“Hello! Thank you for calling Lease Armor. My name is [Your Name], and I’m here to assist you today. Could I start by getting your name and the best way to reach you—either a phone number or an email address?”
[Pause for Response]
“Thank you, [Client’s Name]. It’s great to meet you! Are you calling to learn more about our rental protection services, or do you have specific questions about how Lease Armor works?”
“Hi [Client’s Name]! It’s great to hear from you again. Welcome back! I see you’re already part of the Lease Armor family. How can I assist you today? Are you calling about your membership or looking to explore more tools and benefits we offer?”
[Pause to Listen and Acknowledge]
“That’s wonderful! Let’s dive into your questions. I’m here to make sure you feel confident about how Lease Armor continues to support your rental journey.”
“Let me give you a quick overview of what Lease Armor is and how we help renters like you.
Lease Armor is not a second-chance rental company, and we don’t handle your rental application directly or negotiate with landlords. Instead, we provide a rental protection service that empowers you with the financial security and tools you need to strengthen your rental application and increase your chances of approval.
Here’s what Lease Armor offers:
“With Lease Armor, you’re in control. You can approach landlords with confidence, knowing you have a strong financial backing. Doesn’t that sound like a smarter way to secure your next rental?”
[Pause for Confirmation]
“Landlords care most about reliability and financial security, and Lease Armor addresses those concerns. Here’s why landlords accept Lease Armor—even if they’ve never heard of it before:
Lease Armor works with any property, whether it’s a large management company or a private landlord. Wouldn’t you agree this gives you an advantage?”
[Pause for Confirmation]
“The great thing about Lease Armor is that it’s flexible and works for any property—whether you’re renting an apartment, a single-family home, or a privately managed unit.
Even if a landlord isn’t familiar with Lease Armor, the Certificate of Coverage reassures them that their rent is protected. This shows that you’re a prepared renter who has taken steps to safeguard their investment.
Plus, when you sign up, you’ll gain access to our Preferred Rental Database—a list of properties with landlords who prioritize stable income and employment over credit or rental history. Doesn’t that sound like a great way to increase your options?”
[Pause for Confirmation]
“Getting started with Lease Armor is simple:
Once you’re subscribed, you’ll receive your Certificate of Coverage, access to the Preferred Rental Database, and tools to help you build points faster and enhance your rental application. It’s easy, fast, and designed to put you in control of your rental journey.”
“Thank you so much for your time today, [Client’s Name]. Lease Armor is here to give you the confidence and financial security you need to find your next home.
If you’re ready to sign up, head over to and be sure to use my promo code [Affiliate Promo Code] during signup so your membership is linked to my account.
If you have any other questions, feel free to call me back anytime. I’m excited to help you take the next step in your rental journey. Have a wonderful day!”
© 2024 All Rights Reserved by Lease Armor LLC
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